You can access to template manager with the top menu : "Extensions --> Template Manager --> minimalist"
With "minimalist" template, you can set a lot of parameters :
You can found a lot of possibilities to create a beautiful website. I explain all that in the demo :
Example for the "address" position : go to the module manager and create a new module with the option "custom html". Write your address or/and copyright and choose the position "address".
In this template, you choose if you want insert your logo or just write your site name (by default) :
To use it, you must select your main menu in module manager and enter these settings :
Note for mobile devices : the type of all parent items must be "external url" (don't use the type "text-separator"). Choose the type "external url" and enter the character # in the url field :
If you want display a second menu in the content part, you can choose almost 40 differents possibilities.
Click here to read all the details in the demo page with some examples.
To use it, you must select your menu in module manager and enter these settings :
Note : you can use only 1 level of links with this menu.
Note : All these menus work without javascript code (pure CSS : no risk of conflict with another extension !).
Options for displaying your modules in the "left", "right", "top", "bottom" or "user" positions :
Note : If you choose a background color , the color of module title is always white.
Note : You can enter several Module class suffix. Example "shadow green badge-top title-centered"
For faster mobile-friendly development, use these utility classes for showing and hiding content by device. More details here
I publsih the slideshow module (see next section) with the module position "top"
I create and published 3 modules with the type "Custom HTML" and with the position "user1", "user2" and "user3". For each of them, I added the Module class suffix "title-centered"
You can download this responsive slideshow on my website.
Install the module and edit it :
Thesse are my settings :
This template use the script ScrollReveal to display a fade animation in each part of your template. Animations use CSS3 so that work only on modern browsers.
You can animate 19 differents module positions as you want. Each animation can be enable or disable.
You can use my settings or customize each animation as you want. The syntax is very friendly : all the possibilities are described here.
Yes it's possible. In Template manager, you must duplicate the template. Then, you can set an unique animation and assign this copy to your specific page with the optiopn "Menu assignement".
The template is build with Bootstrap 3.1.1.
In the template manager, you can choose the width for user1 and user3. The width of user2 automatically adjusts.
So, if you publish only one user module : publish user2 (for a width of 100%).
If you publish two users module : publish user1 and user2, or user2 and user3.
It's the same thing for user4, user5 and user6
In this example the code is : Playfair+Display+SC:400,700italic
Click here to see the details of Font Awesome.
Font Awesome allows you to add vector icons from a library of over 360 to any part of your joomla template including Articles, Article titles, Menu items and Module titles.
By default, a border is added around all your images in your articles. You can disable this option in the section "General" of Template manager.
If you want add this border only on specific images, disable this option and add the class "js-border" in the HTML code of your image.
If you want remove this border only on specific images, enable this option and add the class "no-style" in the HTML code of your image.
You can put all your custom code in the file "css/custom.css".
To continue to offer affordable prices, I decided to include a Copyright in the template in order to increase awareness of the site JoomSpirit.
This does not affect your site, but if you want remove this link, thank you to donate 10 euros on donation page here and contact me at: to obtain a clean version.